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Remember how Seth Godin recommended that you Google Yourself?  Well, I did last night. I realized that I made the Grady News. Wow. That kind of makes me feel good. And, I didn’t even know. Cool, huh. Now, the question is. How in the world did they find the information to publish? 

 Linsay…yew. hew. ut. hum. Are you behind this? P.S. Lins I SO, SO, SO dig your myspace music. John Mayer’s on my mom crush list. And, YOU are on my favorites list. Hurry home! P.S.S. I love this picture of you.


 As seen in The Grady News, Spring 2007 edition:


Christy Griner (ABJ ’97)



owns Southern Pet

Sitters, Inc. in Statesboro. She has been

awarded a “Top Five Pet Sitters in the World”

designation by Pet Sitters International.