Ruby Red Slippers

Originally uploaded by Audrey Remmert

There is no place like home especially after a few days in the hospital. We are home…and, Whitaker is with us. The good news is that he is on a 24 hour apnea monitor, which means Brian and I can rest more peacefully than we have been. Even more good news is that the monitor will prevent W from ever getting to the blue-body-non-breathing state that we have experienced twice. An alarm will alert us before we even get to that point. Wait. There is still a little more positive news. The doctor concluded that this will most likely end at 44 weeks gestation, which means it is not permanent or even long lived. She thinks it is reflux related.  The light at the end of the tunnel is becoming more evident.

Thanks for all of the well wishes, love and support. It feels wonderful to be back home with all of my little peeps!

xoxo, Christy