I think I might break my little weekly budget again this week to buy myself some more fresh flowers. We have had another eventful week as we had our second Whitaker choked/quit breathing/did cpr/called EMS event since he came home to live with us. I am totally thinking “yes” on the flowers. A little cheery vase of freshies will be delightful.
 We landed back at the hospital on Monday night where he is undergoing tests while being monitored. Thank you for all of your calls, emails, flowers, gifts, well wishes, thoughts and prayers. You all are amazing. Little Whitaker West is amazing, too! He is a resilient little fellow that loves to be held close and is content most any place that we have him (but especially in mom and dad’s arms).


P.S. I am super pumped that we may have a surprise from an old friend tomorrow. If it works out that we are home and it isn’t too much stress for Whitaker one of my old sorority sister’s will be coming by to catch up and to take some photos. I am not going to hold my breathe after our week of events; however, if it works out then there is nothing better to do with my evening than to catch up with Danielle to see how much we have changed since our days in Athens!

Image f rom absolutely beautiful thingsFlickr